The Final Brown-Whitman Debate: 10-12-10

Audios of the Jerry Brown-Meg Whitman debate are available below. (They are videos with a still picture). The audio is divided into 5 parts due to time limits at video-Yahoo. Click where indicated on the image for Part 1. Click on the urls for the other 4 parts.

Of special interest was Meg Whitman’s comment that pensions for faculty and staff at UC were driving out students. The statement occurs in Part 2. In Part 2, the pension discussion starts around the 9 minute mark. The comment on UC is around 11:45 minutes.

Brown-Whitman debate 10-12-10

Part 1: Public sacrifices, budget, Prop 13

Part 2: Taxes, Budget, Public Pensions

Part 3: Pensions, Whore-gate, Crime, AB32, CTA/K-12

Part 4: Voting, K-12, Immigration, Housekeeper-gate

Part 5 (end): Drug policy, Prop 8, Crime, Obama, Palin, Constitutional Change

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