Dean Edley Presentation on Online Courses to Regents
Dean Christopher Edley of the UC-Berkeley law school made a presentation to the Regents on online courses. Slides available at:
The UC press release related to this presentation of 7-13-10 is reproduced below:
UC online instruction project proposed
The University of California is exploring the use of online undergraduate instruction through a proposed pilot project.
Christopher Edley, dean of the UC Berkeley School of Law and special adviser to the UC president, will introduce the project to UC Regents for discussion at their meeting tomorrow (July 14) at UCSF’s Mission Bay campus. Read Edley’s presentation.
The pilot project will assess whether online undergraduate education can increase capacity to support existing students and extend UC’s reach to more eligible students in California and around the world.
A UC Commission on the Future working group recommended that an online pilot project be explored. The UC Office of the President is raising external funds to develop 25 to 40 online courses by soliciting proposals from faculty.
The pilot project courses would emphasize classes that are experiencing the heaviest demand systemwide and would be subject to the standard Academic Senate approval process. An advisory panel of UC administrators and Academic Senate members is overseeing the project.
Find out more about the UC online initiative.
Note 1: President Yudof referred to the presentation in two tweets today (7-14-10) but did not express an opinion on his Twitter account on a widespread expansion of online courses. However, he did support the pilot project described by Edley.
Note 2: The Regents item related to this topic is at: