Captain Video saves the Faculty Assn. blog videos and audios from cloud destruction

An earlier post noted that past audios/videos of Regents meetings, UCOF, PEB, and certain radio or TV interviews or debates were in danger of disappearing from this blog due to the discontinuation of video-Yahoo. I have now transitioned these files to Facebook and embedded them on the blog in place of the video-Yahoo versions. In particular, the early materials that were part of the discontinued savingUCLA website are available on this blog at:

It is useful to preserve these materials, particularly where policy commitments are made by Regents, administrators, or others, in the event that policy changes are subsequently made. In some cases, the audio quality of the files is poor, either because it was poor on the originals or because a limited-quality file was made for Facebook. If you need a better-quality file for some reason, email me and I will see if such a file is available.

The experience with video-Yahoo serves as a cautionary note about so-called “cloud” computing, in which files are stored out there in the ether somewhere and may disappear (as clouds do). In the video-Yahoo case, the disappearance is due to Yahoo’s commercial decline in the face of competition from Google, YouTube, etc. So if you have files you want to keep, back them up somewhere local even if you also put them in the clouds. –Dan Mitchell

Governor’s Pension Symposium of July 8

Governor Schwarzenegger ran a public pension symposium on July 8. It was essentially a panel of academics, legislators and former legislators (including former assembly speaker Willie Brown), local officials, past CalPERS members, and academics. You can see a video of the roughly 1-hour symposium by going to the governor’s website: and clicking on “multimedia.”

The symposium concentrated on CalPERS and, to a lesser extent, CalSTRS. UCRS was mentioned in passing at roughly minute 39, but was not explicitly discussed. In particular, the important $2-for-$1 issue that separates UCRS from other public pensions in California was not discussed. (Approximately $2 out of $3 of any employer contributions to UCRS would come from non-state sources.) On the other hand, at roughly minute 44, the Regents were held out as a better model for running a pension system than the CalPERS model which has elected employee representatives. The latter was depicted as a conflict of interest.

The so-called “Stanford Study,” was periodically mentioned but most of the data shown came from a similar study. The academic rational presented for using a low discount rate (which enlarges the measured unfunded liability) was that since the pension promise is ironclad, the discount rate should be a riskless measure.

Slides shown at the event are at:

Below is the text of the governor’s announcement of the event:

Governor Schwarzenegger Hosts Pension Roundtable

Gathers Academics, Elected Officials, Opinion Leaders to Discuss Comprehensive Pension Reform

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today hosted a pension reform roundtable with academics, elected officials, students and opinion leaders to discuss California’s pension crisis and the need for comprehensive reform. The Governor has been pushing for pension reform since coming into office, and recent studies by Stanford and the University of Chicago and Northwestern have reinforced the immediacy with which the legislature must act to reign in rising costs. The Governor has promised not to sign a budget that does not include pension reform and is calling for lower benefits for new employees, increased employee contributions, truthful financial disclosure and honest funding.

“Our pension crisis is a real problem that gets worse every day. California has $500 billion in unfunded pension debt that, without reform, will continue to grow and crowd out funding for programs and services Californians hold dear such as higher education, parks and environmental protection,” said Governor Schwarzenegger. “This roundtable is designed to expose the depths of the pension problem and to alert Californians of the even worse consequences should their leaders continue to ignore it. The state has a duty to ensure taxpayer dollars go to things the taxpayers care about, and that’s why I will not sign a budget that does not include pension reform.”

California has long provided generous pension benefits to its employees, but in 1999, the legislature and Governor Gray Davis significantly and retroactively boosted benefits after being assured by the California Public Employee’s Retirement System (CalPERS) that doing so would not cost “a dime of additional taxpayer money.” But since the passage of that legislation, taxpayer spending on pension benefits has skyrocketed by more than 2000 percent (nearly 3000 percent in the General Fund) while spending on University of California and California State University, parks and recreation and environmental protection has either declined or failed to keep up with inflation. This year, taxpayers are being required to divert nearly $3.8 billion from state programs and services to pay for retiree benefits provided by CalPERS, five times more than CalPERS projected in 1999. Over the past ten years, CalPERS’s projections were off by $20 billion, and now CalPERS predicts state costs will total $270 billion over the next thirty years and still leave pensions only 75 percent funded. Worse, that projection assumes the stock market will double every ten years – if not, the costs will be higher.

The Governor’s Administration has recently negotiated contract agreements with six state employee unions that include elements of pension reform that will help control costs going forward and ensure support for legislation requiring full disclosure from state pension funds and honest funding of pension promises as and when they are made. The six unions – the California Association of Highway Patrolmen, California Department of Forestry Firefighters, California Association of Psychiatric Technicians, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the Union of American Physicians and Dentists and the International Union of Operating Engineers – represent 40,000 of the state’s public employees. If ratified, these agreements will save the state nearly $1.4 billion in FY 2010-11, and, if similar agreements are reached with the state’s six other employee unions, state savings in FY 2010-11 would total $2.2 billion, with $1.2 billion from the General Fund.

The Governor’s Administration will continue to negotiate in good faith with all of the employee unions on all aspects of the pension reform measures. However, Governor Schwarzenegger will not sign a budget without four elements of pension reform that must be done legislatively, separate and apart from any memorandums of understanding. They include:
1. Rolling back the expansion of pension benefits adopted in 1999 as Senate Bill 400 (Chapter 555, Statutes of 1999).
2. Requiring a permanent five percentage-point increase in employee pre-tax contribution toward retirement benefits.
3. Calculating the retirement rate based on the highest three years of wages during employment instead of the highest single year.
4. Requiring full disclosure by state pension funds and honest funding of pension promises as and when those promises are made.

There were questions from reporters at the end of the symposium. Because the governor seemed to link his attempt to impose the minimum wage on state workers to push for a budget agreement and because he said he would not sign a budget without pension reform, he was questioned on that point. He said that with regard to pensions, he wanted a rollback of the pension increases in CalPERS that were made in 1999, presumably prospectively. Because his minimum wage dispute with the state controller revolves around the capability of state payroll computers to pay the minimum wage and then compensate workers for lost wages subsequently, the governor was asked if he believed in that capability. He avoided answering and tied the issue back to pensions.

Video of Discussion of Master Plan 6-16-10

President Yudof and his counterparts at CSU and the community colleges discussed the Master Plan at a session at the Commonwealth Club on June 16, 2010. No shocking statements. Yudof, towards the end of the hour-plus session, did give some support to the 3-year undergrad degree concept.

Available for viewing by clicking on the video below:

Selected non-YouTube audios and videos from discontinued savingUCLA website

Selected non-YouTube audios and videos from the discontinued savingUCLA website are available below. Click on the links below. Note: Audios are actually videos with a still picture. Originally, these audios/videos were moved to video-Yahoo. As a post in December 2010 indicated, video-Yahoo is discontiuing its service. (Yahoo is in commercial decline due to competition from Google, YouTube, etc.) . So the files were transitioned to Facebook. In some cases, the audio is poor, either because it was poor originally or because the files were saved in a way that limited the quality. I have originals in some cases that are of better quality. If you need a better quality file than is available here, email me and I will see if a better-quality file is available.
–Dan Mitchell

Videos (audios) from savingUCLA and video-Yahoo are found below:

Regents 11-19-09

Regents meeting of 11-19-09 at Covel. These audios are broken down into sections:

* Issue of UC operating Martin Luther King hospital in Los Angeles considered. Hospital had been largely closed due to poor operation by LA County. Tuition increase issue mentioned.

* Discussion of Martin Luther King hospital operation continues. Vote taken. UC agrees to operate hospital. References to tuition increase.

* Public comments related to UC tuition increase approved in committee the previous day. Ends with room being cleared of protesters.

* Various committee reports delivered. Discussion and presentation on support for former foster children at UC. Fundraising discussion.

* Includes conclusion of committee reports and vote on tuition increase. Assembly Speaker Karen Bass asks Regents to help in obtaining more revenue. A motion to separate out tuition increase for graduate students is defeated. Concerns are raised about inclusion of social work programs as professional schools but no action is taken.

Regents 11-19-09 MLK Hospital Approval

Part 1 Sec 1

Part 1 Sec 2

Part 1 Sec 3

Part 1 Sec 4 (end)

Regents 11-19-09 Public Comments & Demonstration

Part 2 Sec 1

Part 2 Sec 2 (end)

Regents 11-19-09 Committees

Part 3 Sec 1

Part 3 Sec 2

Part 3 Sec 3

Part 3 Sec 4 (end)

Regents 11-19-09 Tuition & Other

Part 4 Sec 1

Part 4 Sec 2

Part 4 Sec 3 (end)

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Defending the University 10-15-09

First Panel Sec 1

First Panel Sec 2

First Panel Sec 3

First Panel Sec 4

First Panel Sec 5 (end)

Second Panel Sec 1

Second Panel Sec 2

Second Panel Sec 3

Second Panel Sec 4

Second Panel Sec 5 (end)

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Senate on Budget 8-26-09

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6 (end)

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Radio Interview with Gould, Cheng, & Edley: 3-30-10

Radio Interview 3-30-10 on UC Future & Funding: KPCC radio interview with Russell Gould, Jesse Cheng, & Christopher Edley on UC Future and Funding.

Part 1

Part 2 (end)

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Jerry Brown as Gubernatorial Candidate Radio Interview 3-11-10

Gubernatorial candidate (and former governor) Brown was interviewed on KCRW’s “Which Way LA?”, March 11, 2010.

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Academic Senate on Budget 6-11-10

UCLA forum held on June 11, 2009 to discuss budget crisis. Chancellor Block, EVC Waugh, finance VC Olsen. Note: video and audio quality are limited.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7 (end)

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Regents meeting 3-25-10

Excerpt: UC Regents Meeting 3-25-2010 (Audio) at UC-SF: Executive pay, brief reference to MLK hospital and possible UC role in prison healthcare, indemnification policy of Regents and others, president’s report, committee to be formed on campus climate.

Part 1

Part 2 (end)

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Legislative Assembly on University Commission on the Future: 4-29-10

UCLA Legislative Assembly 4-29-10 discusses UC Commission on the Future Parts 1-5 and UCLA budget Parts 5-8. Audio only. Sections unrelated to these two topics have been edited out.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8 (end)

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Post-Employment Benefits at UCLA: 10-12-09

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6 (end)

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University Commission on the Future: 9-8-09

Sec 1

Sec 2

Sec 3

Sec 4

Sec 5

Sec 6

Sec 7

Sec 8

Sec 9

Sec 10

Sec 11

Sec 12 (end)

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Selected YouTube references transferred from the discontinued savingUCLA website

Selected YouTube references transferred from the discontinued savingUCLA website are listed below. To view the videos, click on the links or paste the URL for your selection into your web browser.
–Dan Mitchell

The 2010-11 Budget: Overview of the May Revision by LAO

State Senate Pres Steinberg says no $$ increase for higher ed

Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Proposes to Raise Higher Education Funding by Cutting Prison Costs

U of California President Mark Yudof on the Master Plan: Part 2

U of California President Mark Yudof on the Master Plan: Part 1

Former UCLA Chancellor Charles Young on the Master Plan for Higher Education: Part 2

Former UCLA Chancellor Charles Young on the Master Plan for Higher Education: Part 1

Former UCLA Chancellor Young: Privatization & Budget Crises

Is a California Education Still Worth It?