How the Post-Secondary Pie Divides
The Legislative Analyst produced the interesting pie charts above showing where students are and where degrees are produced after high school. Note that some students in the community colleges (CCCs) may transfer to UC or CSU. The Leg Analyst also provides the following counts of the various types of schools: University of California: Ten campuses, 234,000 students, Baccalaureates, masters, doctorates/professional California State University: 23 campuses, 424,000 students, Baccalaureates, masters, several applied doctorates California Community Colleges: 112 campuses, 1.5 million students, Associates degrees, certificates Nonprofit/Independent Colleges and Universities: 73 institutions, 263,000 students, Associates, baccalaureates, masters, doctorates For-Profit/Private Institutions: Roughly 1,500 institutions,…