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Compare and Contrast

The LA Business Journal regularly runs lists of top firms in LA County by various criteria and sectors. It also has a listing in this week’s issue of colleges and universities ranked by enrollment. UCLA is the largest campus in the County with over 40,000 students; USC is the second largest. With the talk around about privatization, it might be of interest to contrast UCLA (public) with USC (private), using the data from the Journal. The biggest contrast is that USC has more faculty, full time and part time, than UCLA, although fewer students. On the other hand, UCLA has…

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Veiled Reference?

This blog has reported on the blocking of the Anderson School’s proposal for self-sufficiency funding of its regular MBA program.  We noted that UCLA released a statement – but no one can say where or who was responsible – indicating it would seek to move ahead despite a negative finding by the systemwide Academic Senate. Many readers of this blog will have received an email yesterday from Chancellor Block detailing a variety of budgetary strategies for UCLA including taking more out-of-state students who pay full freight, fundraising, etc.  Included in that message was the following statement which could be taken…

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Explanations Needed

Yours truly has updated two posts that appeared yesterday on this blog and both need more explanation and information. First, there is the prosecution of a UCLA professor in connection with a lab fire.  An article at the UCLA newsroom said the judge was entering a plea of not guilty for the faculty member over the objections of his lawyer.  That seems odd since the position of not guilty has always been the stance.  But no explanation for the oddity is to be found in the article.  Perhaps a reader can add some enlightenment. Second, there is the rejection of the…


No one wants to talk

More and more news items are appearing about the roadblock at the systemwide Academic Senate to the Anderson School’s MBA self-sufficiency funding plan. The LA Times has now picked up the story:…Allison Holmes, an Anderson school spokeswoman and assistant dean, said Tuesday that the school was looking at the implications of the committee ruling and that it was too soon for a response. Steve Montiel, a UC system spokesman, said (UC President Mark) Yudof also needed time to study the committee’s decision and to consult with other UC officials before deciding what to do.Full article at,0,1578391.story Inside Higher Ed did…

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More Info on the Rejection of the Anderson Self-Sufficiency Plan

The systemwide Academic Senate rejection of the UCLA Anderson School’s self-sufficiency funding plan appears in the letter you can read at the link below.  A prior post on this blog indicated that there was a rejection.  However, the Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs (CCGA) defends its rejection as a technical interpretation of existing UC policy and indicates that it recommends that the policy be re-examined to cover situations such as Anderson’s.  On the other hand, it expresses a variety of reservations about the Anderson plan that seem independent of whatever policy may be in place.   Since the Regents are…

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The Approval of the Self-Sustaining MBA Seems to be Unsustainable

The Daily Bruin is reporting in an article dated 8/31/12 that the on-again-off-again move towards a “self sufficient” MBA program is off again: A UC Academic Senate committee voted to suspend their review of the Anderson School of Management’s proposal to become financially self-supporting, according to a memo sent to the school today.  …The proposal passed the UCLA Legislative Assembly in June. To take effect, it needed to go through the UC Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs and the UC Office of the President. The graduate affairs committee voted 10-0-1 to halt the review.  Members of the committee decided to…


Catching Up: Radio Interview on Anderson MBA Self Support

This past Monday, Dean Judy Olian of the UCLA Anderson School of Management was interviewed on KCRW’s Warren Olney on the program “Which Way LA?” concerning the vote of the Legislative Assembly to endorse the plan of moving the regular MBA to a “self support” model.  Also interviewed was Prof. Anthony Carnevale of Georgetown University.  Prof. Carnevale opposed the move, mainly on the grounds that privatization represents a shift in philosophy from public support for higher ed.  At one point Prof. Carnevale suggested that if Anderson was privatized, it should pay taxes like other private enterprises.  I do have to…

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Board to U-VA President: Here’s Your Hat; What’s Your Hurry?

Inside Higher Ed today carries a lengthy article today on the dismissal of the president of the University of Virginia (after only a two-year term) by its equivalent of the Regents – known there as the Board of Visitors. (Technically, she agreed to resign.) U-VA has often been paired with the U of Michigan for its move toward semi-privatization (more reliance on tuition and other funding sources and less on the state).  The head of the Board issued a press release on the dismissal explaining the decision (excerpts): We see no bright lights on the financial horizon as we face…



There continue to be aftershocks to the Legislative Assembly’s decision to override the Graduate Council and endorse the Anderson School’s self support plan in the form of additional news articles since our earlier posting on this decision.  Below are some examples and links.  Only one – in The Nation – expresses concern.  The others are largely descriptive or pick up quotes from those involved. Daily Bruin (a more elaborate article than original online posting): Business Week (Bloomberg): The Nation: Daily Californian (Berkeley student newspaper): LA Business Journal: On the other hand, the New York Times…