

Below the Radar: Regents’ Role in Reopening MLK Hospital

It has been a below-the-radar issue – given the pressing developments related to the state budget, tuition, and the pension plan – but the UC Regents agreed with LA County while all those other dramas were occurring to take responsibility of the Martin Luther King hospital. The hospital in South LA was closed due to major operating failures and failures in patient care. Below are excerpts from an interview the current CEO of the hospital which is due to reopen in 2013: …Currently under construction on the campus of its former home near the intersection of 120th Street and Wilmington…

Are We Going Peerless?

Glenn Ellison of MIT surveyed trends in publication of top economics departments and finds evidence of less use of top peer-reviewed journals by faculty in those departments. He examines various possible reasons for this development and concludes that the Internet is providing an alternative method for disseminating research. Extrapolation of this finding might suggest that traditional journals will become obsolete, or at least less important. The article does not explore trends in other fields. But it may be relevant to other disciplines as well. You can find the article at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1465-7295.2010.00261.x/pdf The link above works for me. However, I may…


Faculty Giving to UCLA: More Generous than John D.

Faculty giving to UCLA is reported in UCLA Today of 8/16/11 and we are clearly more generous than John D. Rockefeller, at least as pictured above: …With a push from a faculty-giving campaign that launched in December 2010, faculty giving increased 51 percent from $5.81 million in FY 2010 to $8.77 million in FY 2011. The number of faculty donors also increased 17 percent from 1,312 to a total of 1,529. … Full story at http://today.ucla.edu/portal/ut/gift-totals-rise-for-year-as-donors-213561.aspx Thanks for Bette Billet for this reference.


Translated: Recreation Price Increase

The notice in italics below appeared in UCLA Today Aug. 15 (excerpt) and seems to be announcing a price increase for recreation services. Alternatively, for free you can wait to play in the snow on campus as in January 1932. UCLA Recreation has revamped its membership structure with new pricing options and simplified its offerings into three campus zones. Faculty and staff can now select memberships to access one, two or all three of the new zones, explained Bill Aberbuch, the marketing services manager for Recreation. The Central Zone includes the John Wooden Center, the Student Activities Center (except for…


UCLA History: Murphy

The photo at the top is of Franklin Murphy, chancellor of UCLA in the 1960s until his resignation in 1968 to become chair of Times-Mirror. At the bottom is Murphy, former President Eisenhower, and UC president Clark Kerr. The two photos are reproduced from Margaret Leslie Davis, The Culture Broker: Franklin D. Murphy and the Transformation of Los Angeles (UC Press, 2007). The opening chapters of the book tell of Murphy’s recruitment from the U of Kansas – which he headed – by the downtown business movers and shakers of LA to be chancellor of UCLA. At the time, there…