NEW FUNDING IDEAS NEEDED Friday, Sept. 18, 2009, Editorial, San Francisco Chronicle excerpt: “Here’s some ideas to consider carefully: — Differential pricing. Tier tuition, with the campuses with the most name-brand clout, Berkeley and UCLA, at the top; Davis, San Diego, Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz at mid-range, and Irvine, Merced and Riverside at the low end. — Go overseas: Foreign students already pay premium tuition for a UC education. Recruit more. — Levy an oil severance tax – projected to bring in $1.2 billion a year – and dedicate it to UC and CSU.” For the complete article, go…
Walkout at UC
What could happen to strikers at UC? The statute that regulates collective bargaining at UC, HEERA, is copied in many parts from federal labor law. However, unlike federal law, HEERA does not protect “concerted activity” by employees including faculty. Since Yudof et al say furloughs can’t be on teaching days, and since concerted activity is not explicitly protected, there is an interesting question of what action could be taken against faculty who “strike” on Sept. 24 if they happen to be scheduled to teach or who otherwise take furlough days on teaching days. Who knows the answer? Walkout called over…