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In-State Applicants Knock on UC Admissions Door But Out-of-State Proportion Rising

At their upcoming July meeting, the Regents will receive projected undergrad admissions and enrollment data. California residents – while still the heavy majority of projected incoming students – are declining as a percent of total new enrollment. Applications were up but in-state admits, both as freshmen and as community college transfers, were flat. The report is available at As the budget squeeze continues, UC increasingly will likely turn away in-state residents knocking on the admissions door:


Regents to Approve UCLA Apartment Project at July Meeting

The next Regents meeting is scheduled for July 12-14. Slated for approval are replacement and enlargement of two UCLA apartment houses in Westwood: 625/641 Landfair Avenue and 558/564 Glenrock Avenue in a $57.5 million project. Although on the July agenda, the project description indicates that construction will begin in July. Photos of those addresses from Google streetview can be seen here. The agenda item can be seen at


More on the Poizner-UCLA Extension Online Partnership

An earlier post on this blog noted the partnership between Encore Career Institute, headed by former gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner, and UCLA Extension. Below is more info taken from the website of Encore: ========================= About Encore Career Institute A unique combination of passionate leaders and experts have come to together to merge Silicon Valley’s best-in-class technology, Hollywood’s marketing assets and the world renowned academic curriculum of UCLA. The result is a brand new concept and company called the Encore Career Institute. Backed by $15 million in Series A venture capital funds, Encore is poised to revolutionize the higher-education world,…

Why Johnny Can’t Write

The piece to which a link is supplied below from yesterday’s LA Times is celebratory about the LA Unified School District’s limit on homework. In fact – (editorial comment from yours truly) – the mindset behind the policy goes a long way toward explaining why Johnny (too often) cannot write a basic essay despite being admitted into UCLA. Whatever else you may be choosing to celebrate on July 4th, there is no cause for celebration here. Homework overload: For certain families, enough is enough: As of Friday, homework can account for no more than 10% of a student’s grade in…

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Wrong Direction

In yesterday’s LA Times, Patt Morrison interviewed former UCLA Chancellor Albert Carnesale. Most of the interview dealt with other matters. But below is an excerpt on UC:What do you make of what’s happening to the University of California? We had this great public university, but you didn’t have to insert the word “public.” [It was] able to compete with the best of the privates. We’re losing that. We may already have lost it, in large measure. Students now pay more in tuition fees than the state provides. The resource gap is too great. It’s not as if all the fine…

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UC Tuition Up Another Rung

From today’s Sacramento Bee: “…UC officials said Friday they will recommend that the Board of Regents consider raising undergraduate tuition by 9.6 percent when it meets in mid-July. That increase would come on top of a previously approved 8 percent tuition hike set to go into effect this fall. If approved, tuition for in-state undergraduates would rise by more than $1,000 to about $12,200, not including room, board or campus fees…” Full story at