

‘Tis a Pit

As can be seen above, in the “cloud” on Google Earth the old parking structure #6 and the bus turnaround still are smack dab in the center of the UCLA campus.  But in fact the great pit for the Grand Hotel is underway, as seen in the recent photos below: Unfortunately, if we want to be “on the level” about the great pit, it is difficult to see due to the wall around it.  Apparently, someone has decided that its vast size is something of a secret.  But there is a little hole in the wall to peep through: Of…



Up to now in the UCLA parking facility where the photo above was taken, yours truly has seen only campus “golf cart” type electric vehicles used by service staff plugged in.  Now that hybrid electric and all-electric vehicles are being sold for regular street use, scenes like the one above will become more common.  (The car shown is a Honda model.)  However, most parking spots do not have nearby electrical outlets.  Presumably, UCLA is ok with such charging where a nearby outlet exists.  But will there be more of them installed?

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Pension Initiative Seems to Be Out of Gas (for Now)

Earlier posts noted a pension initiative drive – fronted by San Jose Mayor Chris Reed – that would have swept in UC.  For now, the effort seems to have stalled.  The proponents have decided to litigate the title and summary by the attorney general of the initiative.  Effectively, that will take enough time so that they will not be able to gather the signatures needed to get the initiative on the November 2014 ballot.  The decision to litigate may just be a polite way to bow out for now.  See: Of course, if your car stalls for whatever reason, you…

Is there Twitter after retirement?

Of course, the Big Question is usually is there life after death?  But we can’t answer that one here.  The lesser question – Is there Twitter after retirement? – can be answered, at least in the case of former UC prez Mark Yudof.  YES!  Not surprisingly, Yudof stopped tweeting around the time he left the UC presidency.  But then, in late December, came another tweet.  It’s actually a link to a Harvard Business Review piece, and says: “Once you know your greater purpose, there are lots of roads that will take you there.” [See] I always thought the…


Listen to the Regents Meeting of Jan. 23, 2014

We continue indefinitely archiving the Regents meetings since – as numerous prior posts have complained – the Regents view an “archive” as lasting only one year.  Below is a link to the meeting (open sessions only) of Jan. 23, 2014.  We have previously posted the morning session of Jan. 22.  The afternoon session of that date – which runs well over 4 hours –  will eventually also be done.  But it takes over 4 hours to do it so yours truly will get to it when he can. At the Jan. 23 meeting, there were public comments involving (among other…


Are some administrators shivering?

No, not because of the cold weather in other parts of the country.  Rather, because of the headline regarding Northwestern University’s football program in today’s Inside Higher Ed:  Athletes Move to Unionize The Internet – or at least, the piece of the Internet where people pay moderate attention to college sports – blew up Tuesday afternoon with the news that some number of Northwestern University football players are seeking to unionize.  The apparently unprecedented step is a potential watershed moment for athletes in commercial sports programs like those at Northwestern, who were lauded by outspoken critics and sports columnists who…

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Another of our periodic email cautionary notes

From time to time, we have provided reminders about email problems.  One problem – which we have noted – is that at a public university, your emails may be subject to public documents requests. Another problem is that hackers may try to get into your email account through “phishing,” probably to use it to send out scam messages to your contacts.  Such an event seems to have occurred at UC-Davis: Hackers compromised the email accounts of three UC Davis doctors last month, potentially gaining access to personal or medical information on as many as 1,800 patients, the university announced Monday… …

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Stay Away from the 405 Tonight and Tomorrow Night

The northbound San Diego (405) Freeway will be closed overnight through the Sepulveda Pass tonight and Wednesday night so crews can re-stripe the roadway and move k-rail barriers. The northbound freeway will be closed between Moraga Drive and Ventura Boulevard, according to Metro, which is overseeing the freeway-widening project. Ramps will begin closing at around 7 p.m., followed by lane closures at 10 p.m. and the full freeway closure at midnight, continuing until 5 a.m… Full story at