Reflections Shortly After the Kennedy Assassination

JFK at UCLA, Nov. 2, 1959
Yours truly will be traveling and out of town for about a week so less blogging than normal is likely.  But we did post on Nov. 22, the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, some Kennedy material.  (A phone call involving Kennedy, then-Governor Pat Brown, and young student Jerry Brown.)  Shortly after the assassination came the killing of Lee Harvey Oswald over the weekend.  On the Monday following that weekend, New York radio commentator and humorist Jean Shepherd deviated from the usual format of his broadcast to talk about the Kennedy assassination, the office of president, and the society at that time as he saw it.  [We posted Shepherd ribbing UCLA about some courses offered this past Sunday.]
You can hear that broadcast in three parts at the links below.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

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