Planning for a Shake

You probably saw this notice but here is a reminder.  
On October 17th, at 10:17 a.m., the UCLA campus community, along with millions of other Californians, will participate in “The Great California Shakeout”–a statewide earthquake drill. As part of our participation, the UCLA Office of Emergency Management (OEM) will test the BruinAlert system while airing a simulcast Shakeout drill on the campus AM radio station (AM 1630).

To fully participate and maximize the effectiveness of the drill, we ask that you take these simple and potentially life-saving steps:

  • DROP to the ground (before the earthquake knocks you down)
  • Take COVER by getting under a sturdy desk or table
  • HOLD ON to your shelter (until the shaking stops)

Please visit www.dropcoverholdon.orgfor more information and instructions on how to protect yourself during an earthquake
Yours truly is out of town today so he won’t be under his desk.  However, he is old enough to remember:

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