It’s getting hard to turn your back on the MOOc stampede

No one wants to be BEHIND the times.

The latest entries in the stampede to MOOCs:

From the San Jose Mercury-News: Coursera strikes huge online-education deal with state university systems 

The movement of “massive online open courses,” which began with elite universities making their courses available online to the masses, is rapidly moving into the trenches of public higher education. On Thursday, 10 large public university systems — including the giant state systems of New York, Tennessee, Colorado and the University of Houston — will announce plans to incorporate MOOCs and platforms offered through for-profit Coursera of Mountain View into their teaching…
From the LA Times: Ten state universities join with online education provider
Hoping to take advantage of new technologies to expand online education, 10 additional public universities and state college systems around the country are affiliating with Coursera, one of the leading providers of online education. But the schools’ participation may focus more on their local campuses rather than on the worldwide audiences that Coursera previously had been courting…

Full story at,0,1863888.story

Clearly, the stampede is on:

UPDATE: The Chronicle of Higher Ed‘s story on this development is at:

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