Verily, verily, Harvard seems to be in the news these days

First there was the Ferguson apology: And now there is the Richwine PhD.  From Inside Higher Ed today:

Veritas: Goddess of Truth

Debate over a new Heritage Foundation report critical of proposed change in immigration laws has set off scrutiny and criticism of Harvard University for approving a dissertation in 2009 by one of the report’s authors.

Some critics say that the dissertation’s suggestion of a long-term gap in the IQs of Hispanic immigrants and their descendants and the IQs of other groups is based on discredited theories that have been used to justify many forms of discrimination over the years. And they question how Harvard could award a Ph.D. based on such a dissertation. Jason Richwine, the Harvard Ph.D. in question, resigned from Heritage on Friday.

Twenty-three student organizations at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, which awarded the Ph.D., issued a joint letter Friday questioning the legitimacy of the dissertation that was awarded to Richwine… Harvard is standing by the process under which the dissertation was awarded — while leaving to others to debate its findings…

Full story at

Well, it is Harvard.  Maybe they can work things out:

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