Some things are so obvious they need to be said

UC faculty leader warns of more exits if research loses ground

The systemwide leader of the University of California’s faculty said Friday that he hoped that the announced move of prominent neuroscience researchers from UCLA to USC reminds government leaders in Sacramento of the importance of research at UC. Robert Powell, chairman of the system Academic Senate, said that much of recent proposed legislation and rules from state lawmakers and the governor stress undergraduate graduation rates, online education and upping teaching loads without recognizing UC’s strong international role in scientific and academic research.
While it is important to improve undergraduate education and make UC more efficient, he said, he wants to ensure that change does not come at the expense of graduate school training and the pursuit of new inventions and medical discoveries…
We posted about this matter yesterday and repeat our questions.  Are we going to have a frank discussion at the upcoming Regents meeting on this issue?  Will President Yudof – whose imminent departure should give him the freedom to speak frankly – say what is obvious but (obviously) needs to be said at that meeting?

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