Waiting for Brown’s First Prop 30 TV Ad

Prop 30 is the governor’s initiative for temporary tax increases that has been endorsed by the Regents.  So far, a full-scale campaign, i.e., TV ads, has yet to occur.  But a note on the LA Times‘ PolitiCal blog says the TV campaign is supposed to start today.

So we’re waiting.

There have been opposition radio ads and some more general “issue” ads that oppose tax increases.  Brown has a lot more money in the bank for his campaign than do the opponents.  He appears to be following the later-is-better strategy used in the 2010 gubernatorial campaign.  In that campaign, his opponent, Meg Whitman, had been on TV for a long time – first in the GOP primary and then in general election.  But Brown’s campaign really didn’t start until late summer.

The article from the PolitiCal blog is at:

When something happens, we will update.

And meanwhile, there is this:

The 23-campus California State University and 10-campus University of California systems on Monday began accepting new-student applications for the fall 2013 semester.  Both systems are set to receive a potential flurry of applications amid an uncertain budget year threatened by mid-year “trigger cuts” should Proposition 30 — Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax initiative that would raise $8.5 billion for schools and social services — be voted down in November. Applications will be held until the end of November, once the outcome of the tax initiative has been decided…

Full article at

Update: As of 10:50 AM today, there is no sign of the governor’s new TV ad.  But opponents did launch a pre-emptive strike: a new radio ad:

Update: The governor’s new (first) TV ad came online at around 11 AM:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6Du0-rtzeA?feature=player_detailpage]

Update: Another four pro-30 ads were released in the afternoon:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyDlR5ye2VY?feature=player_detailpage]

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2PmRzWDTLY?feature=player_embedded]

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKg43g0EWcs?feature=player_embedded]

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n3UAdqsVMs?feature=player_embedded]

Update: And the complaints about the ads begin:

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