Continuing Hot Potato Issue for UC

We noted this issue in an earlier posting on an internal university debate – which apparently has now reached the legislature:

The University of California says it won’t support a resolution condemning anti-Semitism on campus – approved unanimously by the state Assembly on Tuesday – because the resolution says “no public resources will be allowed to be used for any anti-Semitic or any intolerant agitation.”

“We think it’s problematic because of First Amendment concerns,” said Steve Montiel, a UC spokesman.

The nonbinding resolution, says, in effect, that UC and other public universities should ban activity that could be interpreted as intolerant or anti-Semitic, including certain demonstrations, from taking place anywhere on its property.  The move is the latest chapter in a debate that arose this summer over whether students create an intolerable, anti-Semitic environment by staging annual, anti-Israel protests mimicking Israeli guards questioning Palestinians…

Meanwhile, there is a lesser issue at UCLA that some would say involves speech:,0,6644546.story

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