E-Mail Detectives at U-VA

Inside Higher Ed and other sources have gotten hold of emails involving the University of Virginia growing brouhaha that developed when U-VA’s equivalent of the Regents fired the university’s president.  The vice chair (vice rector) of that board has now resigned.  See earlier posts on this blog.

From Inside Higher Ed today:
E-mail messages were flying among leaders of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia in the weeks leading up to the ouster of Teresa A. Sullivan as president of the university. The e-mail messages show that one reason board leaders wanted to move quickly was the belief that UVa needed to get involved in a serious way with online education…

Full story at: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2012/06/20/e-mails-show-uva-board-wanted-big-online-push

Apparently, despite the apparent interest in going high tech in higher ed, the emailers were not aware of the first law of high-tech communications: Never put anything in an email you absolutely don’t want published – there are secret agents everywhere:

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