Slipping support for governor’s tax initiative in latest poll

Support for the Brown tax initiative to be on the ballot in November seems to be slipping.  Folk wisdom among California politicos is that a controversial ballot proposition should start with at least 60% support before the campaign gets underway.  Brown’s support among voters is 52% according to the latest Field Poll.  Under Brown’s budget plan (yet to be enacted), there are trigger cuts if the initiative doesn’t pass including $250 million for UC.

See below for an excerpt:
* Small sample
The November ballot is becoming crowded and is likely to have three tax measures.  There is also folk wisdom that having lots of stuff on the ballot leads to a temptation to vote no on everything.  Obviously, that can’t be an ironclad rule or we would never have had Prop 13 back in 1978.  But three tax measures could be confusing to voters.
Here is what is definitely on the ballot.  Note that the Brown tax has yet to qualify officially.
·        Paycheck protection (anti-union; will spark a major campaign fight)
·        Auto insurance rates based on prior coverage (pushed by a local insurance company)
·        Repeal redistricting of state senate (pushed by GOP)
·        Repeal death penalty
·        Increased penalties for human trafficking
·        [Water bond – but will likely be taken off ballot by legislature]
The following initiatives are in the midst of verification of signature counts:
·        Relax 3-strikes
·        Various do-good state budgeting reforms
·        Regulation of health insurance premiums
·        Close corporate loophole for clean energy
·        Label genetically modified food
·        Munger K-12 income tax increase
·        Brown income and sales tax increase

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