Today, Transit of Venus; Tomorrow, No Transit of Obama

Venus will cross its midpoint on the sun’s disc around 6:25 p.m. PDT. In the continental United States, the show will end at sunset, but Venus will continue to be visible on the sun’s disc until roughly 10 p.m. PDT westward. That means places like Alaska, Hawaii, Asia, Australia, eastern Africa and all but the western edge of Europe will get to see the planet exit the sun’s disc…

President Barack Obama will make another fundraising swing to Los Angeles on Wednesday afternoon, and traffic can be expected to be affected in Beverly Hills, Westwood and possibly other areas of the Westside. The president is scheduled attend a fundraiser at The Regent Beverly Wilshire hotel Wednesday evening…

Your choice. Drive Tuesday:
Or Wednesday:
Update: I received this notice with more detail  via the Anderson School:

President Obama will be returning to Los Angeles for a fund raiser at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills on Wednesday June 6, 2012.  It is anticipated that he will arrive mid-afternoon at LAX, fly via helicopter to the WLA VA grounds and then motor to the hotel.  The motorcade and the ensuing rolling street closures will happen between 4pm and 5pm.  The fund raiser will end around 9pm, but the President’s overnight accommodations are unknown at this writing.

The President will depart Los Angeles on Thursday 6/7/12 in the morning from LAX bound for Las Vegas after attending a breakfast meeting near Baldwin Hills at a location called View Park.  Departure time is unknown, so be prepared for the outbound rolling closures from Beverly Hills to Southwest LA.

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