UCLA Japanese Garden Web Address Has Disappeared


As our prior blog post noted, plans are afoot to sell UCLA’s Japanese Garden.  When you Google “Japanese Garden UCLA,” one of the first page entries is www.japanesegarden.ucla.edu.  However, when you try to go to that address, the error message above appears.  Since someone at UCLA has shut down the site, the sense that the sale of the garden is imminent is reinforced.

If you go to the UCLA faculty handbook at http://www.apo.ucla.edu/facultyhandbook/5.htm the garden website is still listed:


The two-acre UCLA Hannah Carter Japanese Garden, located one mile from campus in Bel Air, is an authentic Kyoto-style garden and considered to be one of the most notable Japanese gardens in the United States. Major features in the garden include the main gate, garden house, family shrine, and a pond with colorful koi. The garden averages over 4,500 visitors annually and is featured in numerous garden books, magazines and garden shows. Reservations are required for parking. Call (310825-4574 or visit us at http://www.japanesegarden.ucla.edu.

The phone number listed just rings.  No voicemail message responds with any information.  Most UCLA numbers, if no actual person is available to answer, have voicemail responses.
Various Academic Senate officials and committee chairs have been requested to look into this sale.  I am told that the Committee on Planning and Budget will be taking up the garden issue.

UPDATE: An alternative phone number (310) 794-0320 is given on some UCLA websites. You get a voicemail message with that one but no information and directions indicating you should not leave a message.

UPDATE: Letter to Chancellor from California Garden and Landscape History Society:

Response from UCLA to Letter from California Garden and Landscape History Society:

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