Yudof on Berkeley and Davis Incidents

Note: See prior blog entries on the “Occupy” incidents at Davis and Berkeley. Links at bottom of this posting.
President Yudof responds to campus protest issues

Contact: UC Office of the President

Phone: (510) 987-9157

University of California President Mark G. Yudof today (Nov. 20) announced the actions he is taking in response to recent campus protest issues:

I am appalled by images of University of California students being doused with pepper spray and jabbed with police batons on our campuses.

I intend to do everything in my power as president of this university to protect the rights of our students, faculty and staff to engage in non-violent protest.

Chancellors at the UC Davis and UC Berkeley campuses already have initiated reviews of incidents that occurred on their campuses. I applaud this rapid response and eagerly await the results.

The University of California, however, is a single university with 10 campuses, and the incidents in recent days cry out for a systemwide response.

Therefore I will be taking immediate steps to set that response in motion.

I intend to convene all 10 chancellors, either in person or by telephone, to engage in a full and unfettered discussion about how to ensure proportional law enforcement response to non-violent protest.

To that end, I will be asking the chancellors to forward to me at once all relevant protocols and policies already in place on their individual campuses, as well as those that apply to the engagement of non-campus police agencies through mutual aid agreements.

Further, I already have taken steps to assemble experts and stakeholders to conduct a thorough, far-reaching and urgent assessment of campus police procedures involving use of force, including post-incident review processes.

My intention is not to micromanage our campus police forces. The sworn officers who serve on our campuses are professionals dedicated to the protection of the UC community.

Nor do I wish to micromanage the chancellors. They are the leaders of our campuses and they have my full trust and confidence.

Nonetheless, the recent incidents make clear the time has come to take strong action to recommit to the ideal of peaceful protest.

As I have said before, free speech is part of the DNA of this university, and non-violent protest has long been central to our history. It is a value we must protect with vigilance. I implore students who wish to demonstrate to do so in a peaceful and lawful fashion. I expect campus authorities to honor that right.

TV report on the Davis aftermath:

See earlier posts on Occupy demonstrations at UC:

Recent Tweets:

mark_yudof Mark G. Yudof

I intend to do everything in my power as President to protect the rights of our students, faculty & staff to engage in non-violent protest.

mark_yudof Mark G. Yudof

I am appalled by images of University of California students being doused with pepper spray and jabbed with police batons on our campuses.

Update 11/21/11: The UC-Davis police chief has been placed on leave:


and there is this about one of the police officers put on leave:


Further update:

Even as student protests spread across the state this fall – with national attention focused today on the pepper spraying of nonviolent protesters at UC Davis – Gov. Jerry Brown has kept silent…

Full story at: http://blogs.sacbee.com/capitolalertlatest/2011/11/jerry-brown-silent-on-davis-incident-student-protests.html

Note: Those who know California political history will know that Jerry Brown – determined not to be like his father who got blamed for demonstrations at Berkeley – got his start as a public figure being tough on student demonstrations as a member of a community college board.

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