UC-Davis Pepper Spray Controversy

A major controversy has erupted over a pepper spray incident at UC-Davis when campus police attempted to move a group of “Occupy” demonstrators.

From today’s Sacramento Bee:

UC Davis officials found themselves under a barrage of Internet-driven outrage Saturday, after campus police officers pepper-sprayed protesters at an Occupy UC Davis encampment Friday. Saturday evening, after holding a news conference to address intense nationwide media interest, UC Davis Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi walked through a blocks-long gantlet of students, who stood silently as she passed to a waiting SUV…

Full story at: http://www.sacbee.com/2011/11/20/4067841/ucd-peppered-by-net-outrage.html {Note: The Bee webpage was having a heart attack this morning so you may have difficulty getting to the article.}

The LA Times story is at http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-occupy-uc-davis-20111120,0,2407596.story

Two videos of incident:

See earlier posts on Occupy demonstrations at UC:

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