Audio: Regents July 13, 2011 (Second Day)

Yesterday, we posted the audios of the first day of the July 12-14, 2011 Regents meetings. (The first day was actually meetings of two committees.) Today we post the second day audio in two parts. Below is the agenda with links to agenda documents. We again note that the Regents live-stream the audio of their meetings and record them. But they do not archive the recordings for public access. Why not? We have to request the recordings and do the posting, an unnecessary step which – as is evident from the posting at this late date – involves a delay.

Wednesday, July 13

8:30 am Committee of the Whole (public comment)

9:30 am Board (open session)

9:40 am Committee on Educational Policy (open session)

10:15 am Committee on Health Services (open session)

10:45 am Committee on Long Range Planning (open session)

11:15am Committee on Oversight of the DOE Laboratories (open session)

11:30 am Committee on Investments (open session)

11:45 am Joint Meeting: Committees on Finance and Oversight of the DOE Laboratories (open session)

2:00 pm Lunch

1:00 pm Committee on Finance (open session)

1:45 pm Committee on Compensation (closed session)

2:30 pm Committee on Finance (Regents only session)

3:00 pm Board (Regents only session)

Part 1:

Part 2 (Note: closed sessions not recorded):

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