More on the state budget “trigger”

As readers of this blog will know, the state budget for the current fiscal year contains a “trigger” for additional cuts – including UC – if revenue falls short of forecast levels.

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September 6, 2011, Capitol Alert

California Democrats getting nervous about trigger cuts

Lagging tax revenues are making California officials nervous about “trigger” budget cuts to schools and services that appear likely unless more money flows into state coffers or the economic outlook improves. A newly amended Democratic bill would require the Department of Finance to give at least 10 days notice if it determines the state must install various cuts in December. The proposal, Assembly Bill X1 20, also would require Finance to “consult” with lawmakers on alternatives to cuts already prescribed in the existing budget act.

…AB X1 20 gives lawmakers a window of time to replace cuts if it appears the state will fall short of the budget’s optimistic projections. Among items on the chopping block are $1.5 billion in funding to K-12 districts and $100 million each to the University of California and California State University systems…

Full story at:

LinkApparently, having your finger on the trigger leads to problems:

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