A Zenger Zinger from Yours Truly

The Sacramento Bee has published an updated listing of state salaries including UC. You can find it at http://www.sacbee.com/statepay/ In the past, yours truly has corresponded with officials of newspapers who publish such lists asking them to publish their own payroll – by name/salary – down to the lowest paid worker. I won’t bother with such correspondence this time, although the danger of ID theft remains. However, if you feel motivated, here are the contacts of the two senior executives of the Bee:

Cheryl Dell, Publisher & President: 916-321-1885 cdell@sacbee.com

Joyce Terhaar, Editor and Senior Vice President: 916-321-1004 jterhaar@sacbee.com

You might ask them – if they won’t do their entire payroll – to publish at least their own personal salaries and those of the senior leadership of the parent company of the Bee, McClatchy. Surely, Bee readers would be interested and surely they have their own payroll information. You won’t get anywhere, of course. But it will give them a chance to put themselves in the company of John Peter Zenger, shown above, which is the usual response, so they shouldn’t be too annoyed. (Google “Zenger” if the name is unfamiliar.)

For more, check out http://www.today.ucla.edu/portal/ut/to-post-or-not-to-post-a-question-111317.aspx

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