Why Johnny Can’t Write

The piece to which a link is supplied below from yesterday’s LA Times is celebratory about the LA Unified School District’s limit on homework.

In fact – (editorial comment from yours truly) – the mindset behind the policy goes a long way toward explaining why Johnny (too often) cannot write a basic essay despite being admitted into UCLA. Whatever else you may be choosing to celebrate on July 4th, there is no cause for celebration here.

Homework overload: For certain families, enough is enough:

As of Friday, homework can account for no more than 10% of a student’s grade in the (LAUSD) — a change that drew national media attention. “The phones have been ringing off the hook,” district spokeswoman Judy Elliott said.

She sounded surprised, but many parents won’t be. Homework is a hot-button topic, and though the new policy doesn’t limit how much can be assigned, some students and parents hope that the change will reduce what they see as homework overload…

Story at http://www.latimes.com/features/home/la-hm-homework-overload-20110702,0,234636.story

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