Bus Service from Westwood to LAX May Fly Away
The Los Angeles Board of Airport Commissioners has recommended discontinuation of the $5-per-trip Westwood FlyAway bus service to Los Angeles International Airport because it is operating at a loss, but UCLA and its students are trying to negotiate a way to save it. “The FlyAway bus provides an absolutely critical service to UCLA students,” student body President Emily Resnick said in a statement. “Without this service, thousands of students will no longer be able to go home for holidays or other important events.” …
Renée Fortier, director of UCLA transportation, said Friday that the campus had proposed measures that would make the service more economical. They include the availability of park-and-ride space in UCLA’s Structure 32 pay station area; schedule and fare modifications; a campus contribution for extra bus service during holiday periods; and assistance with marketing…
Full story at http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-flyaway-20110530,0,5844030.story
To be Frank, soon we can’t fly away: