Upcoming Events in January

Under the state constitution, Governor Brown will release his budget proposal for 2014-15 at the end of next week.  In the past, bits and pieces were often leaked to the news media ahead of the formal announcement.  So far, that hasn’t happened – which might just mean that with the current budgetary calm, there is nothing shocking to leak, including about the UC budget.  There will also be a “state of the state” address to the legislature by the governor which will touch on whatever the governor has in mind – who knows? – in this election year.

The UC Regents will be meeting Jan. 21-23.  However, the agenda items are not yet posted and probably won’t be posted until a week or so before the meeting.

As we have noted in earlier posts, Chancellor Block will be under pressure to say something about the Israel boycott undertaken by a group called the American Studies Assn.  Other UC chancellors and the UC prez have come out against the boycott as have heads of other universities.  See http://uclafacultyassociation.blogspot.com/2013/12/clock-is-ticking-towards-uclas.html. The latest news on all of that – as of today – is at http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2014/01/02/presidents-denounce-academic-boycott-israel-some-campuses-faculty-and-presidents.  One can imagine the issue coming up at the Regents since the student-regent-elect has pushed for Israel divestment (not the same thing as an academic boycott).

That’s the outlook but you never know what can happen:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsSbhdo0kQI?feature=player_detailpage]

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