Advice to Whoever is Appointed Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Buckle Up!

You may have gotten today’s email from Chancellor Block:  [excerpts]

Today I am announcing a significant step in our efforts to respond to incidents of bias and discrimination on our campus and to build an environment of inclusion and tolerance: the creation of the new position of Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. The new Vice Chancellor, who will report directly to me, will provide leadership across the campus in these important areas. Although we have many dedicated individuals deeply committed to this work, I have come to see that we need a clear and powerful voice at the highest levels of the campus administration in order to advance our fundamental commitments to equity, diversity and full inclusion…

We also have begun to implement recommendations advanced by the independent committee chaired by former California Supreme Court Justice Carlos Moreno…

All of this was precipitated by various incidents that led to the Moreno report on the climate on campus for minority faculty.  Now we don’t know for sure what advice Justice Moreno might give to the new Vice Chancellor when he or she is appointed.  But we do know what advice Judge Cunningham, recently stopped DWB* by UCLA police in Westwood for driving without a seat belt.  (Faithful readers of this blog will know about that event but others can simply scroll back on this block.)  The Cunningham advice is at the link below.  And by the way, whatever happened to the campus climate survey for UC (and UCLA)?

*DWB? Google it.


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