Bad Dream for Princeton Prez: Faculty May Want to Milk Their Own MOOC

Inside Higher Ed today points to an article in the Princeton University student newspaper in which it is reported that faculty there are interested in having their own MOOC rather than relying on Coursera (with which Princeton has an affiliation).

Members of the faculty discussed the possibility of creating a University-specific alternative to Coursera, as well as the proposed creation of a new committee to oversee the continuation of online courses, on Monday at the December faculty meeting. Philosophy professor Gideon Rosen noted that the University is free to explore options outside of Coursera in order to avoid conflicts of intellectual property, such as whether the material is owned by Coursera, the University or the professors teaching the courses…
“I must say that developing our own proprietary platform gives me nightmares,” University President Christopher Eisgruber ’83 replied. Eisgruber currently sits on Coursera’s board of advisers…
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