Climate Delayed

Remember the campus climate survey taken last winter.  There were concerns expressed at UCLA about the length of the survey and what biases might be introduced.  The survey seemed to be the result of Regents’ concerns stemming from racial/ethnic incidents at various campuses. 

In any event, the Daily Bruin is reporting that the results, which were supposed to be released by now have been delayed until next year.

…UC officials will present the survey findings to the UC Board of Regents before making them public, Montiel said. The results are expected to be reported to the regents in early 2014…

Full story at

PS: There are about 191,000 full and part time employees of UC.  See:

There are about 239,000 undergrad and grad students.  [page 3]

The Bruin article says that “officials expect the survey will include responses from more than 430,000 individuals.”  If so, a statistical miracle of something like a 100% response rate will have occurred.  All yours truly knows his what he reads in the papers.

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