Listen to Gov. Brown Say He is President of UC at Nov. 27, 2012 Special Regents Meeting
The Regents held a special meeting to approve the new UC-Berkeley Chancellor and the interim UC-Riverside Chancellor on Nov. 27, 2012. You can hear that meeting at the link below. Governor Brown , Lt. Governor Newsom, and one Regent (Zettel) voted against the pay package for the new Berkeley chancellor Nicholas Dirks which paid $50,000 in sslary more than the previous chancellor. (The increment was from private funds.) All three voted for the appointment but against the pay.
Brown’s comments are particularly interesting and occur roughly between minute 5:50 and 10:50 on the recording. He says that the state funding and tuition expectations of UC are “unacceptable.” There is an allusion to Joseph advising prudence to the Pharoah. He talks about a need for more efficiency, modesty, and lower cost at UC. At one point the governor said he was president of the university – which must have surprised Mark Yudof.
Yudof indicated later that one should not make too much of the governor’s disagreement with the salary proposal and that on most matters he and the governor see eye to eye. Their eyes may be close but they seem to be looking in different directions.
You can hear the recording of the full meeting below:
You can hear just the governor’s remarks at the link below:
UPDATE: A couple of sources tell me that the governor is president of the regents (although not of the university).