More on the Hot Potato: Assembly May Reconsider

Yesterday, we posted a hot potato item concerning a state assembly resolution dealing with anti-Semitism and anti-Israel demonstrations on California campuses.  Issues were raised about free speech implications of the (non-binding) resolution. Readers will recall from that posting that UC declined to comply.  Now apparently the assembly may reconsider, although in the future – not now:

A state lawmaker is promising to introduce a fix to an Assembly resolution that stirred controversy because it urged California universities to crack down on demonstrations against Israel.  Assemblywoman Bonnie Lowenthal said Wednesday that she would work on a resolution that would affirm First Amendment rights on campus when the Legislature reconvenes in January. The Long Beach Democrat and 66 of the Assembly’s 80 members provoked a storm of criticism on Tuesday when they approved a resolution that condemned anti-Semitism but also asked administrators at California’s public colleges and universities to combat anti-Israel actions…

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