Empowered to the People: Poizner-UCLA Extension Online Venture Launching

This blog has written in the past about online education and, in particular, a venture called “Empowered” involving UCLA Extension and Steve Poizner which seems about the launch.  Poizner, some will recall, was a GOP candidate for governor in 2010, losing the nomination to Meg Whitman in the primary (who then lost to Jerry Brown).  The program offers certificates in various management and other fields with a sticker price of $12,800, although students in the first class get a reduced price of $9,800.   An iPad is thrown in “free,” however.  

The launch comes with a slick video which – as is often the case – doesn’t load well unless you have a fast connection (which isn’t a good sign for an online program). 
Ever helpful, however, yours truly has reduced the video to a lower-grade version which should run better.  Link below:
The website for the program and launch is at http://www.empowered.com/wakeup.  Other info on the program is also at that website.  Our most recent prior post on this venture is at:

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