Just in Time: Governor’s Tax Measure Qualifies for November

There was always a bit of doubt that the governor’s tax initiative would qualify – or qualify in time – for the November ballot. His original initiative – which had somewhat less income tax and somewhat more sales tax than the current version – began to be circulated (by paid circulators). But the California Teachers Assn. was pushing a different initiative and eventually a deal was cut that CTA would drop its campaign in exchange for a revision of Brown’s initiative with more income tax and less sales tax. However, that deal was made late in the game and signature gathering had to be restarted (and handled by very well paid signature gatherers because of the time deadline).

Once the new signatures were in, there was some doubt as to whether they would be tabulated in time for November, given the large number of other initiatives awaiting counting. (This doubt was somewhat lessened by the fact that the Secretary of State – who handles election matters – is a Democrat.)  In any event, all of these doubts have ended with the announcement that the governor’s revised initiative has qualified.

More on this story at http://www.news10.net/capitol/article/197812/525/Browns-tax-measure-qualifies-for-November-ballot

There was singing heard at the governor’s house – possibly related:

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