More Catching Up: Academic Freedom Cases

In the prior post on this blog, we caught up with the Anderson self-support model. There is also some catching up to do on academic freedom cases.

As a prior post noted, a med school faculty member at UC-Davis (who was once at UCLA) was threatened for an op ed he wrote suggesting that PSA screening was being over-promoted.  The PSA to which he referred was not any of the items to the upper left but the test used for detecting prostate cancer.  The LA Times reports that the Davis “Representative Assembly” (Legislative Assembly) voted unanimously to condemn that action. (Scroll back to June 6 for the earlier posting.)

In another case which we reported on in this blog some time back, a researcher in Public Health is suing the university on grounds that his controversial research on second-hand smoke risks led to his dismissal.  (The earlier posts appeared in August and September 2010 and April 2011.)  You can read about both cases:

UC-Davis at:,0,6661.story

UCLA at:,0,6289988.story

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