Reports that the Dems and the Governor are Closing in on a Budget Deal

There are news reports that the legislative Democrats think they are closing on a budget deal with the governor – presumably by the Friday deadline.  The governor has been more guarded in his statements.

As a prior blog post noted, there is little cash impact on UC’s budget one way or the other.  But the legislature has refused to go along with anything that limits its discretion with regard to UC and explicitly rejects the long-term funding notion that UCOP and the governor have been discussing.  The legislature is less harsh than the governor when it comes to Cal Grants so there is an indirect benefit for UC if the legislative version prevails.

Keep in mind that statements in the news media are an integral part of the negotiations and the politics of budget making.  The news report on closing the gap is at:

Closing in on a deal sounds like good news.  But a reminder that the film from which the scene shown above about closing was taken did not end happily:  [Caution: R for language]

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