Carmageddon II Now Rescheduled for August or September (Thanks to the FBI?)

From today’s LA Daily News:

Officials initially hoped to shut down a segment of the San Diego (405) Freeway next month, but delays to the $1 billion project are pushing the massive closure back to August or September.  Unexpected utility work, a $300 million lawsuit and bickering with FBI representatives over security clearances are all delaying completion, Metro officials said Thursday…

… A $300 million lawsuit – filed last year by a Bel Air landowner – forced Metro to move a freeway on-ramp near the Getty Museum 150 feet to the west.  …And then there’s the FBI. The agency works out of a building at 11000 Wilshire Boulevard, near the construction site. Government officials are demanding Metro workers go through security clearance before working on the sensitive FBI lines.

…The FBI didn’t return calls…

Full article at

Note that a September date, even if on a weekend, could begin to affect the UCLA academic year.  What more is there to say than klaatu barada nikto?:


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