UC-Davis Pepper Report Likely to Be Released by April 2

The Sacramento Bee is reporting that the judge hearing arguments why the official UC-Davis report on the pepper-spray incident should be redacted has signaled that the report can likely be released April 2 without redaction:

The judge in Friday’s UC Davis pepper-spray hearing issued a tentative ruling late this afternoon indicating that he plans to deny efforts to stop release of a report into the Nov. 18 incident and will not agree to seal portions of the report.

The ruling by Alameda Superior Court Judge Evelio Grillo is not final and will be the subject of a hearing in court Friday morning, but the judge signaled in the 16-page document released this afternoon that he was not buying into union arguments that releasing names of the police offcers involved in the incident will violate state law.
However, the tentative ruling also indicates that the judge may allow the officers’ union time to file an appeal, saying that he will stay his order until April 2 to allow the Court of Appeal to consider the matter if an appeal is filed…
Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/03/15/4341666/judge-signals-his-intent-to-release.html#storylink=cpy

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