Pepper Suit at UC-Davis

The San Francisco Chronicle today is carrying a story indicating that students are suing UC-Davis over the pepper spray incident.  Oddly, I could find nothing in the student newspaper at Davis on the lawsuit or in the Sacramento Bee.

In any event, from the Chronicle:

UC Davis students who were pepper-sprayed by campus police during a sit-down Occupy protest sued the officers and university administrators in federal court Wednesday, claiming excessive force and suppression of free speech…  The suit was filed in U.S. District Court in Sacramento by 17 students and two graduates who took part in the demonstration, which was organized by Occupy UC Davis. Twelve said they were pepper-sprayed, and eight claimed illegal arrests… UC Davis spokesman Barry Schiller said, “Attorneys for the university and the plaintiffs have been talking. We hope those conversations continue.” He said university officials haven’t seen the lawsuit and wouldn’t comment on it.

Full story at

Update: The Sacramento Bee now has the story at

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