UCLA as Cornell
FAQs for Film and Photography Shoots at UCLA
Summary: Here are the answers to your most frequently asked questions.
How much notice can I give before scouting?
Please email or call the UCLA Events Office to schedule a scout. Depending
on the number of locations, we will need between two to five working days
to schedule a scout.
Where can I film?
Filming is allowed in most quads, some exteriors of buildings, some
classrooms, hallways, auditoriums, sidewalks and streets. Locations will
be approved on a case by case basis and is contingent on the Academic
Calendar and on availability of the specific location.
What areas are restricted?
Filming is not allowed at the following locations: The UCLA Medical Center,
medical offices, labs, dorm rooms, private offices, dining halls, Murphy Hall,
Chancellor’s Residence, full façade of Royce Hall, full façade of Powell
Library, full façade of Kerckhoff Hall, and the Bruin Bear.
Do I need script approval from the University?
A film permit can not be issued without script approval from the University.
A script or storyboard must be submitted in advance for consideration.
What if I have a parking citation while filming there?
All parking citations received during filming will not be rescinded by the
University. Please follow normal procedures to contest all parking citations.
The instructions on how to contest are written on the back of the citation.
Can I bring my own caterer?
The production company is allowed to bring in its own caterer to most
locations on campus.
I am making a low budget feature, is there a discount?
While we agree that your film project is important, UCLA is non-profit and
as such can not discount any rates.
Can I film stock footage of the campus?
Stock footage of the campus is prohibited.
Film Locations Management — UCLA Events Office
Email: events@ucla.edu | Phone: (310) 825-8989| Fax: (310) 825-1179
Source: <
For a much less notable film done at UCLA, see: