Waiting for the Plans on Conceptual Hotel-Conference Center

Just to keep our blog readers up to date:

The UCLA Faculty Association has filed a formal request for the business plan of the proposed hotel/conference center which so far has not been released. Since at the scoping meeting on the project, the architectural plans were described by the campus architect as merely “conceptual,” the Faculty Association is concerned that the business plan may also be in a preliminary stage.
In any event, below is the formal request and acknowledgment from the university official handling such matters.

Faculty Association at UCLA

P.O. Box 33336

Granada Hills, CA 91394-3336

Nov. 11, 2011

Gene Block

Chancellor, UCLA

2147 Murphy Hall

Campus 140501

Dear Chancellor Block,

On behalf of Dwight Read, Chair of the Faculty Association at UCLA, and the Executive Board, I am making a request for information as part of the California Public Records Act, Information Practices Act of 1977.

Please send a copy of the business plan for the proposed $152 million conference and guest center to be built at UCLA to the FA as soon as possible.

The FA understands that the business plan has not yet been submitted to the Regents for a vote early next year, but that is even more reason for the faculty to see what the industry experts have said about the proposed conference center before the Regents take a vote.

The address is:

Faculty Association at UCLA

P.O. Box 33336

Granada Hills, CA 91394-3336

Or email the plan to: ucfa@earthlink.net

Thank you for your attention to this request.


Susan Gallick

Executive Director

Faculty Association at UCLA

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From: UCLA Public Records

Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 08:13:11 -0800

To: FA at UCLA

Subject: PRR 2012-139: Acknowledgement of Your Public Records Request

Dear Ms. Gallick,

This letter is to acknowledge your request under the California Public Records Act (CPRA) dated November 11, 2011 for the business plan for the proposed UCLA Conference and Guest Center.

Records Management & Information Practices (RMIP) is notifying the appropriate UCLA offices of your request and will identify, review, and release all responsive documents in accordance with relevant law and University policy.

Under the CPRA, Government Code Section 6253(b), UCLA may charge for reproduction costs and/or programming services. If the cost is anticipated to be greater than $50.00 or the amount you authorized in your original request, we will contact you to confirm your continued interest in receiving the records and your agreement to pay the charges. Payment is due prior to the release of the records.

Due to our current volume of public records requests, we anticipate it may take up to eight weeks to fulfill this request. If we are unable to close your request within this time, we will provide you with a status update by January 9, 2012. Although the University will be closed from December 22, 2011 – January 3, 2012, RMIP will strive to complete your request without additional delay. We thank you in advance for your understanding should our processing be delayed.

Should you have any questions regarding the status of your request, please call or email UCLAPublicRecords@finance.ucla.edu and reference the request number above in the subject line.


Aimee M. Felker,

Director Records Management & Information Practices,

Corporate Financial Services

Editorial Note: Eight weeks should be long enough to gin up a business plan, if there isn’t one, as opposed to a “conceptual” plan.

So we are waiting:

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