Yesterday was better

Yesterday, I posted a note that a public pension initiative that might have gone somewhere wasn’t going anywhere. (See the “Failed Fishing” entry.)

But today comes news of another that could go somewhere – because, whatever it is, will emanate from the governor.

Some readers will recall that the governor – in failed budget negotiations with legislative Republicans – at one point seemed to be offering such things as $100,000 caps. Some will also recall that there was no sign, at the time, that the powers-that-be at UC were informing the governor that they wanted UC to be excluded.

From the State Worker blog of the Sacramento Bee:

After months of virtual silence on rolling back public pensions, Gov. Jerry Brown is about to resurrect the issue. As the Capitol gears up for another round of budget talks, word is that Brown also plans to put forward a pension agenda for next year. He’s been circumspect about the details, although recent history hints at his plans. “I’ve got a whole bunch of pension ideas I’ve been working on, and I’ll announce those relatively soon,” Brown said this week in an interview with Bee reporter David Siders…

Full article at

Is it really necessary – once again – to point out that the UC Regents adopted their own pension changes last December and that the powers-that-be should be communicating with the governor on this issue?

Yesterday’s news was better:

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