Audio of Regents Meeting of May 17, 2011

The UCLA Faculty Association is now routinely requesting the audios of Regents meetings and posting them. Audios are available only for open sessions of the Regents. Below are links to Parts 1 and 2 of the May 17, 2011 meeting and the agenda.

Tuesday, May 17

11:00 am Committee on Grounds and Buildings (open session – includes public comment)

12:45 pm Committee on of the Whole (open session – includes public comment)

1:45 pm Committee on Oversight of the DOE Laboratories (open session)

2:15 pm Board (open session)

2:30 pm Committee on Educational Policy (open session)

3:00 pm Committee on Compensation (closed session)

3:20 pm Committee on Compensation (Regents Only session)

3:45 pm Special Joint Meeting: Committees on Educational Policy and Compensation (Regents Only session) new session

4:00 pm Committee on Educational Policy (Regents Only session)

4:05 pm Committee on Finance (Regents only session)

4:45 pm Board (Regents Only session)

The agenda with attachments is available at

Part 1 Audio:

Part 2 Audio:

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