Two-Faced Policy on Sidewalk Parking Around UCLA

Earlier posts have noted the problem of parking on the sidewalk in the areas surrounding the campus and the fact that legal action has been brought against LA City for not enforcing its parking rules. But the City seems to be two-faced, sometimes taking action and sometimes not. The legal action against the City has been based on disability rights, i.e., that disabled persons in wheelchairs can’t use the sidewalks easily if they are blocked by parked cars.

Excerpt from the Daily Bruin today:

The Los Angeles Department of Transportation has suspended ticketing for apron parking after protests from students and intervention from councilmember Paul Koretz’s office.

Last week, all cars parked perpendicularly to the street and blocking part of the sidewalk received warning notifications that the LADOT would begin to ticket apron parking.

City spokesman Bruce Gilman said he is unsure of what caused this wave of tickets, but he has been informed by officials that until further notice no tickets would be given out.

Councilmember Koretz’s office has asked the LADOT not to ticket until at least after the end of the quarter, said representative Paul Neuman.

“We wanted to do what we can to ensure that students do not suffer a potentially significant disturbance during the last, most significant part of their quarter,” Neuman said. “Having to find parking threatens their ability to show up on time to class or to a final.” …

Full article at

The City seems to have trouble making up its mind about this matter:

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