Field Poll suggests voter support for tax extensions

The California Field Poll suggests voter support for the governor’s proposed tax extensions. The table above summarizes the results when the question is asked generally. When it is asked more explicitly (see below, naming the taxes), there is somewhat less support (58%) but still a majority.

“The governor is proposing to extend for five more years the one-cent increase in the state sales tax, the ½ percent increase in vehicle license fees and the ¼ percent increase in personal income taxes that the state enacted in 2009. Some of the money would be transferred to local governments for schools, public safety and other services. If the statewide special election were held today, would you vote yes to approve this extension of taxes or no to return these taxes to their previous levels?”

At this point, however, the governor has not been able to obtain enough Republican votes to obtain the 2/3 supermajority in the legislature needed to put his proposals on the ballot by June.

You can find the Field Poll press release at

If you are a real junkie for poll analysis, a more detailed tabulation is at

UPDATE: One of the 5 Republicans with whom the governor has been negotiating gave some signs of wanting a deal. See

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