Deadline day for the state budget has arrived without a budget vote. Is everything out of control?

As prior posts have noted, Gov. Brown set a deadline of 60 days after his budget proposal was announced to have a budget passed and to obtain a 2/3 vote from the legislature to put his tax extensions on the ballot.

Today is deadline day and he still has no deal for the Republican votes needed for the tax extensions. Democrats could pass a budget by majority vote that assumes there will be tax extensions but if there is no ballot vote, the budget would be out of whack. You can read about it at

We also noted in prior posts that such deadlines have been flexible in the past. There are limits created by administrative mechanics of setting up an election. But we are not there yet.

Perhaps it’s best to consider what Jerry said about state governance and whether things are under control at a conference at UCLA in 2005. His successor as governor in 1983, George Deukmejian makes a comment following Brown.


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