April 14th Undergrad UC Budget Protest/Event Announced

Below is the text of an email received by yours truly announcing an undergraduate-sponsored UC budget protest/event scheduled for April 14:

Dear friends, family, and community supporters,

This year, the UC Regents passed the fourth consecutive fee increase in the past two years, and as a further blow, Governor Jerry Brown recently released his budget proposal, initiating a massive $500 million cut to the University of California. The University of California used to stand as the model for higher education, but education has clearly fallen in the list of state priorities.

It is time that we organize. Small protests and scattered movements just won’t do anymore. Thus, as students we have decided to act to revive student empowerment and fight for the affordable, diverse educational experience the students of California deserve. As the future of California, we feel it is our responsibility to bring education back to the forefront of the public agenda.

In order to do this, the members of UCLA student government, along with student leaders from across California, have organized an event, uniting politicians, artists, speakers, poets, and TV personalities for the future of our education. On April 14, 2011 from 12PM to 5PM, we will be shutting down the 300 block on S. Spring Street in front of Governor Brown’s Los Angeles office to bring together 7,000+ attendees for this not-for-profit concert.

But in order for this to be a truly successful event we need your help! Here’s how you can get involved in the movement:

  1. Connect us to artists and speakers: Specifically those you know who would be down for this cause. While we have people on board already, the more the merrier – actually, the more the necessary – as this is meant to be a high publicity event and with every celebrity comes an increased amount of attention and clout. Email questions or recommendations to hearusnowca@gmail.com.
  2. Donate to the cause: This is a not-for-profit event so all donations will go directly towards taking care of the production, transportation, and marketing expenses necessary to make this a professional, well-executed event. You can donate online through FundRazr (http://apps.facebook.com/fundrazr/activity/b02f91eb124d4dc1be608906d50d9a47) or mail checks payable to “Can You Hear Us Now” to 691 Levering Ave #12, Los Angeles, CA 90024 There are also sponsorship opportunities available to those interested. For more information email hearusnowca@gmail.com.
  3. PARTICIPATE: Come out on April 14th and join the movement. Bring your friends, family, and peers. This is an issue that affects us all, and one that we must all stand in together.
  4. Spread the word: Direct people to our website http://hearusnowca.com or our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Can-You-Hear-Us-Now/189960007710746 to learn more!

With the magnitude of this event, we hope the state government will take notice of this serious issue and the students and citizens of California will finally be heard.

Kinnery Shah
Cultural Affairs Commissioner
UCLA Undergraduate Students Association Council

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