November 2010 Ballot Sing-A-Long

There will be quite a few propositions on the November ballot. Some may have an impact on UC; others address more distant issues. TV ads are already appearing. For example, Prop 25 (majority vote on state budgets) proponents have an ad running:

Back in 2006, the organization CalVoter created a song to remember the propositions on the ballot then. There is now an update to help you remember which is which and what is what. Click on the video below. The video first appeared at:

But since these web news accounts tend to disappear, I have uploaded it. And since the audio quality is amateurish, the words are also below:

Oh we’re having an election,
November two’s the day
There are nine state propositions
Come vote and have your say.

Prop. 19’s the first measure, it asks voters if we oughta
Regulate, tax and legalize marijuana

Each ten years congressional district lines get redrawn
Prop 20 says that job should go to a citizen commission.
Prop 21 would fund state parks with automobile fees
Prop 22 curbs state access to local government proceeds

It’s the Proposition Song!
Let’s all be singing along!
Cuz the ballot is too darn long.

Prop 23 suspends a law called “AB 32”
It seeks to slow down climate change and restricts what polluters do.
If voters pass Prop. 23, 32 it would prevent
From being law ‘til unemployment’s at 5.5 percent.

The next prop also seeks to keep a law from taking effect,
24 would halt newly enacted corporate tax credits.

There are just a few more measures, to sing of in this song
So hang on friends, we’re near the end
Of this proposition song.
You should all be singing along.
Cuz the ballot is too darn long.

Passing the state budget takes a two-thirds vote currently
Prop 25 would change it to a straight majority.
26 is also ‘bout vote margins, switching up the words
Instead of majorities to pass new fees, the vote would be two-thirds.

27’s yet another prop ‘bout political district lines
If it’s passed, the job goes to the politicians next time.

If you want more information, just log yourself online
There’s a whole lot more at calvoter-dot-org
We’re open all the t – i — m — e!

The official description of the ballot propositions is at the California Secretary of State’s website at

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