Join UCLA FA As Senate Faculty Join the UCLA-FA (Senate Faculty) First Name * Last Name * Department UCPath Employee ID Number * The UCPath Employee ID Number can be found either on your pay statement, or below your name when you log into your UCPath employee portal. Academic Rank * Assistant Professor ($10.00/month)Associate Professor ($16.85/month)Full Professor ($22.50/month) Your monthly dues keep the Faculty Association independent. They vary by academic rank. + AAUP add-on membership I do not wish to join the AAUP at this timeAssistant Professor (UCLA FA rate + $13.34/month)Associate Professor (UCLA FA rate + $21.34/month)Full Professor (UCLA FA rate + $23.92/month) Allows UCLA-FA to send delegates to AAUP and AFT national conventions, affecting higher ed policy at a national level. Email address (UCLA) * For the purpose of payroll deduction, we must use your address Email address (personal) We will use this to contact you privately Street Address * City, State and Zip Code * By clicking the “Enroll” button and submitting this form, I declare myself a member of UCLA Faculty Association. I authorize the UC to deduct dues in a manner and amount consistent with the Faculty Association’s Constitution and By-laws. I understand that the dues amount may change if authorized pursuant to the UCLA Constitution and By-laws. If this happens, I authorize UC to adjust my payment when notified by the UCLA Faculty Association. I agree this authorization remains in effect until terminated in writing by me. Enroll If you are human, leave this field blank.