Join UCLA FA As Senate Faculty

Join the UCLA-FA (Senate Faculty)
The UCPath Employee ID Number can be found either on your pay statement, or below your name when you log into your UCPath employee portal.
Your monthly dues keep the Faculty Association independent. They vary by academic rank.
Allows UCLA-FA to send delegates to AAUP and AFT national conventions, affecting higher ed policy at a national level.
For the purpose of payroll deduction, we must use your address
We will use this to contact you privately

By clicking the “Enroll” button and submitting this form, I declare myself a member of UCLA Faculty Association. I authorize the UC to deduct dues in a manner and amount consistent with the Faculty Association’s Constitution and By-laws. I understand that the dues amount may change if authorized pursuant to the UCLA Constitution and By-laws. If this happens, I authorize UC to adjust my payment when notified by the UCLA Faculty Association. I agree this authorization remains in effect until terminated in writing by me.